Monday, March 31, 2008

A bunch of blah blah blah

Well, it's been ten days since I've written anything down. Ten uneventful days...oh, except that we received a letter from the USCIS letting us know they got our I600a form. Yea! We are officially in a government file!
Today was really crazy. Our son had a lot of homework and I couldn't get anything to print that he had typed. Our dog was acting strange (ok, when does he not?) and my daughter was a twelve year old. Our entire living/dining room carpet is ripped up and we have furniture everywhere throughout the rest of the house. We're installing laminate flooring and the dru part of drubek is not home long enough to finish the job in one weekend. We quickly realized our hot water heater had been leaking and was damaging a section of the floor. Between the two of us, we spent the majority of the day fixing the leak. I made several trips to the local hardware store while dear hubby was home fixing! To top it off, today was also the day that we had to put our potbelly piggy down. It was her time to go. She has been ill for a few months and she was old!!! I came to terms with this several weeks ago, but somehow, when it actually happens, it's a lot of sadness.
I thought to, could I handle a day like today with four children? Then, another thought quickly took over and I realized how few and far between these sort of days are. Whew.

I wanted to add that we saw an amazing movie last night. It's called "The Ultimate Gift". I highly recommend it for the entire family.


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Yes Thank goodness, those days are far and few between!!!

God bless your family!!

Welcome to our site! We hope you enjoy the information we share during our adoption journey. As we document this wild ride to bringing home our Ethiopian children, we hope you'll fall in love with this beautiful country as we have.

Washington State, USA

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa