Monday, April 14, 2008

Not much...

Since there's not much to tell about, I'll just update where we're at at this moment...
Over last weekend, I had a really awful flu of some sort. It really had me down for several days. I'm a bit better now, thank goodness for Imodium AD, if ya know what I mean! =)
Our daughter asks every week "where are we at in our adoption?" This morning this was my answer "We are still in the home study phase"...Mike is working with all the information we have turned in to him. There are only two missing documents. One reference from a friend is still out (hopefully will SOON be turned in =) =) =) And our doctors reports. But, since my doctors office called today cancelling my appointment for Wednesday, I guess it'll be a little while longer until Mike gets that, too.
We signed & notarized our Dove contract and got it back in the mail the same day. We start adoption classes online this week. We hope to receive our dossier packet within the next week.
And summer break is right around the corner!
The weather is so strange, it snowed and hailed many times a week ago. Saturday brought a beautiful day of 84 degree weather! Today it is hailing and pouring rain like crazy! It's not quite sunscreen weather yet!


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Welcome to our site! We hope you enjoy the information we share during our adoption journey. As we document this wild ride to bringing home our Ethiopian children, we hope you'll fall in love with this beautiful country as we have.

Washington State, USA

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa