Friday, February 20, 2009

New pics before we get too far along! =)

Ok, I promise to finish the saga of our trip, but here are a few pics for you to enjoy! Everything is beautiful and going well in our family. We couldn't ask for a smoother process in bonding!


Anonymous said...

To cute for words!!!!!
I love the grin in the last picutre. Welcome home...
Look forward to hearing and seeing more.
Kim @ tickledpink

Shelley said...

is it still okay to call children 'yummy' when that are THAT adorable???

Mona said...

So beautiful! They look so happy, as if they've been with you forever. I had dinner with Tania last night (3 hour layover in Portland). Next time I hope to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, they are just SO HAPPY! and BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for sharing Them!!!! (and the stories!)
And, by the way, Bec... you look awesome!

Amber said...

I may be crazy but I think our daughters look a little alike.

Very cute kids!

Rebecca and Andrew said...

You know, there is another little boy on a blog I follow that I think looks like Ruby, too!
I can't wait to see pictures of your little girl, Amber!

Rebecca =)

Welcome to our site! We hope you enjoy the information we share during our adoption journey. As we document this wild ride to bringing home our Ethiopian children, we hope you'll fall in love with this beautiful country as we have.

Washington State, USA

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa